March 11

Repair or Replace? 7 reasons you need a new computer


Repair or Replace? 7 reasons you need a new computer

Do you hold back on purchasing new IT equipment? We all do at times. However hanging onto your failing IT kit can cost you more long term!


For example if a device is more than 3 years old it’s generally cheaper to buy a new one.

  • A 5 year old computer could cost twice as much to run as a new one
  • A 4 year old computer suffers 55% more security incidents than in its first 3 years

Don’t be rushing to replace everything at once though! It’s a balance between equipment that can be repaired and will happily run a few more years– versus slow, lagging equipment that really needs to be replaced.

Read our Repair or Replace guide today!  And you’ll learn 7 signs that will help you decide on that computer refresh. 

Download our Guide


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