The Metaverse is a term that’s been buzzing around the tech world for some time now. It could revolutionise the way we live, work, and play. As a business owner, it’s important that you know what the Metaverse ...

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Human error is your most considerable cyber security risk… Small and medium-sized businesses are the most likely targets for all cyber attacks. And the weakest link in your chain is your people. Good cyber security awareness training is ...

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Backing up your data is one of the strongest precautions you can take. Set it up properly and make it part of your routine to check that it’s working. Because one day your backup could save your business. ...

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A major change to your IT infrastructure isn’t something to be planned in a hurry. So if you’re starting to think about ending it with your current systems and bringing your business into the 2020s, there’s plenty to ...

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All businesses should be using MFA as it provides great protection against cyber attacks and other security threats. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) means you need at least two pieces of information to log in to a device or an ...

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Does IT jargon feel like an alien language? We’ve created our new, free IT Jargon Buster. It’s a great A-Z of just some of the terms you might hear when you’re talking with an IT expert. We steer ...

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