It’s the fastest growing crime around… but what does ransomware mean to you? Ransomware can be pretty scary.  Imagine switching on your PC one day but instead of the usual boot up screen all you see is a ...

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 5 difficult questions to ask your IT support company Sometimes in life we have to ask awkward questions. How much did that cost? Do you really need a second piece of cake? What’s that smell? But you don’t ...

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So lockdown is still in force right now. But have you started planning yet, for when your staff can return to the workplace? It’s going to happen at some point. And the more you plan and act now, ...

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We’re helping every person and business in Edinburgh and East Central Scotland to stay safe, by issuing this urgent advisory. Hackers have become very creative in the last few weeks, leveraging the Coronavirus pandemic to target people. We’ve ...

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Because we have to work from home for now, your team may be using their own devices. Which is fine… so long as your business’s data security isn’t compromised in any way. That’s a big ask. Especially if ...

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Did you know that more than 1.54 million people in the UK now work from home on a regular basis? And this was before a global pandemic! It’s likely your team are now also working from home. It’s ...

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