June 4

5 difficult questions to ask an IT support company


5 difficult questions to ask an IT support company

 5 difficult questions to ask your IT support company

Sometimes in life we have to ask awkward questions. How much did that cost? Do you really need a second piece of cake? What’s that smell?

But you don’t usually expect to feel awkward asking questions of an IT support company. Well, you should.

A few tricky questions could help you to decide if they’re really the people you want to protect your business and its data.

Make the wrong decision on which IT support company to work with, and you’ll lose time, money…  and a lot of productivity too.

Worse still, if they’re not what they claim to be, you could also put your customers’ information at risk.

And at the moment, you really need to check their safety measures to protect your people.

We’ve written a new free guide, listing the 5 most important questions you should ask your IT support company. And not one of those questions is to do with how much they’ll cost you.

Download our guide here and feel free to ask us these questions!

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