Is poor data collection getting in the way of your HR? #HR #management #data #business ...

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Did you know that former US president Jimmy Carter left office $1 million in debt? #notsuchagreatjob #potus #peanuts ...

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The summer holidays are almost over, do you need a little bit of help? We’re here for IT support and advice whenever you’re struggling. So don’t be shy, give us a call! 0131 208 0080 #holidaycover #summertimemadness #itsupport ...

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Using the hotspot feature on your phone isn’t always easy. This article from PC Mag might help. Always remember your security and password protection, particularly in public spaces. Talk to us for more help #hotspots #wifi #mobileworking ...

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If you haven’t already done so, here are 7 reasons to move your business to Office 365. And if you do want to switch, you can do it through us #office365 #productivity #businesstools ...

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RU OK, Computer? What happened when Radiohead’s tracks got leaked online #hacking #computers #musicdownloads ...

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