Oh dear. Christmas parties are only three months away. So what do you do these days if there’s a workplace romance? This Ted Talk might help #tedtalks #workplaceromances #management #hr https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_nicole_baker_7_common_questions_about_workplace_romance ...

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The decline in bees is another concern for all of us who want to save the planet. But it also looks like technology could step in to help #savethebees #technology #robots https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/as-bee-populations-decline-can-technology-help-fill-the-gap ...

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So if we want to go back to the moon, why can’t we just re-use the 1960s tried and tested lunar technology? A NASA chief explains why #moon #apollo11 #technology https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1157145/Moon-landing-NASA-chief-admits-Apollo-technology-cannot-land-Moon-Jim-Bridenstine ...

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The 2020 problem is just a few months away. Windows 7 and Office 2010 are reaching the end of their lives in January. Have you upgraded yet? Contact us today to get the ball rolling https://doit.notorious.build #microsoft #endoflifesoftware #2020problem ...

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Quantum technology could be a big part of our future. That’s computing at the atomic level. The government is ploughing money into research #quantumcomputing #research #ant-man https://www.publictechnology.net/articles/news/government-opens-%C2%A333m-fund-quantum-technologies ...

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Remember the good old days of Robot Wars? Here are some of the best battles! #robotwars #blastfromthepast #carnage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUEqZ61-MPQ ...

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