We’re beginning to hear more and more about the Metaverse and the many ways we’ll be using it over the coming years. But is it something you should be starting to consider now? What benefits will it have ...

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Small and medium-sized businesses are the most likely targets for all kinds of cyber attack. And your biggest weakness is your people. That’s why it’s vital to take cyber security awareness training seriously. But how do you create ...

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We all hope disasters will never happen. But of course they can, and do. So it’s best to be prepared. That’s why a reliable backup system is one of the most important protections you can put in place. ...

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If you have business systems that feel like they need to be brought into the 2020s, you might be thinking about a major IT project. And that can mean a big commitment – of time, money, effort and headspace. ...

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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) adds extra layers of security to your business.It means you need at least two pieces of information to log in to a device or an app. Perhaps a password plus a fingerprint, and possibly an ...

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IT support is a technical job, and some of the language used can be a bit, well… technical. So here’s our jargon-free look at the 3 most important areas to discuss with your technology partner. ...

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